Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Near Escape

I am very deeply touched by the unflinching support of certain respectable netizens in these troubled times. They are true friends who have made the utmost sacrifice by not only reading my posts but also explicitly showing their support by placing comments on the same. (Thank you for taking time out from your supreme task of saving the human race, in order to support me in my humble endeavor)

I had been seriously contemplating excusing individuals who comment on my posts, from becoming future victims. However, the presence of certain outstanding individuals, with unnatural mental faculties, in this group has been an eye-opener and I now acknowledge that the idea was quite ridiculous. Given their hyper-active grey cells, Dr. Tarique, Dr. Pankaj and Dr. Maitra seem to have very cleverly figured out my future course of action and taken precautionary measures to protect their interests.

But I am sure most of you would agree that excluding these very special people from my list of future victims would be akin to squandering away God's most precious gift to mankind. And since I do not wish to be accused of such terrible misconduct, I have amended the rule. The rule now is that:

"All NORMAL individuals commenting on my posts shall be excused from being victimized"

"Normal" is however a very subjective term and I reserve sole rights with regard to the definition of the same. Needless to say, the definition shall vary depending on the mood I may be in at a given point of time.

Abnormal behavior, on the other hand, may be highlighted by readers, whose opinions shall be respected and promptly acted upon.

I hope that my ex-boss and current boss understand the risk they have placed themselves at by adding me as a friend on Facebook, given that neither of them is normal by any standards. I am yet to reach a decision regarding their candidature as possible victims, and the same depends on my ability to find something offensive enough to say to them. (Like most bosses,they have been the most genteel creatures I have ever met)

Till next time

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